Use the filtering, searching and sorting options to produce reports on progress for groups of tasks, or locate specific tasks.
Options for searching, filtering, and sorting your tasks list are shown in the screenshots below:
If you look after more than one profile, you can view a task list for all profiles together by clicking on Tasks within your Navigation Bar.
Search Tasks (A# in the above screenshot) - Search for tasks by typing the name (or partial name) you're looking for (e.g. Asbestos). The list will be updated as you type each letter.
Clear Filters (B# in the above screenshot) - You can clear applied filters by selecting the Clear button (B# in the above screenshot).
Apply Filters - You can combine your search with the filtering options from the Filter bar which are explained below.
Profile (#C in the above screenshot)- This filters the task list to include the tasks for specific profile(s), types of profile (e.g. Building, People etc.) and their pages (e.g. Residential property).
- Open the filter by 'Profile' box (#1 in the screenshot below) and begin typing the name of the profile/ type/ page you're looking for.
2. Click to select the items you wish to filter by as shown in the screenshot (#2 in the screenshot below) and repeat the process until you have selected all items required. Your choices will appear in the box. If you have made a mistake and wish to remove an item, click on the cross. If you want to filter all profiles associated with the profile/s in (#2 in the screenshot below), check the 'Include Dependent Profiles' option (#3 in the screenshot below). Click on 'Apply' (#4 in the screenshot below) to confirm your choices.
3. Template (#D in the above screenshot) - This button filters the task list to include specific templates. By clicking in the 'Template' box, a list of templates appear in a dropdown list, though you may need to search by typing the name of the template you're looking for if you are looking for one later in the list.
4. Topic (#E in the above screenshot) - Tasks can be grouped into topic(s) and this button enables you to filter tasks by available topics. Open the Topic filter and select the relevant topics in the same way as you did for filtering by profile.
5. Priority (#F in the above screenshot) - You can choose one or more priority levels by checking in the relevant priority. Once you're happy, click 'Apply'.
6. Status (#G in the above screenshot) - You can filter tasks by status e.g. tasks which are overdue, falling due or not due. Choose the status option(s) you require from the dropdown list, then click 'Apply'.
7. Progress (#H in the above screenshot) - You can filter by progress, ie Not Started, In Progress, Complete and Archived. For more information on task progress please see our guide 'Task Progress Status'.
Pinned Tasks are those tasks which should always be included in the main task list regardless of their progress (e.g. completed asbestos surveys).
The task list changes as you apply each of the filters you need. You can change any of the filters to revise your task list.
8. Dates (#I in the above screenshot) - You can filter by Start Date, Due Date and Last Completed Date, as shown.
Click into your chosen date option and select from the list - Today, Last Week, This Week, Last Month and This Month. Click 'apply'.
9. Sub-Tasks (#J in the above screenshot) - It is also possible to sort the Task List by whether the task has sub-tasks.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of 'Sub-Tasks', as shown in the screenshot below and click on one of the options which are explained below:
Has open sub-tasks? - Within this filter, you can additionally filter to show sub-tasks which are 'open' (not completed) by clicking the tick box for 'Has open sub-tasks?' (#1 in the screenshot below).
Filter by priority (#2 in the screenshot below) - this filters by the priority of the sub-task, for example 'very high priority'.
Filter by progress (#3 in the screenshot below) - this filters by the progress status of the sub-task, for example 'in progress'.
Remember to apply the changes, by selecting the 'Apply' button (#4 in the screenshot below).
10. Sort By (#K in the above screenshot) - The 'Sort By' option can be used together with filtering or independently.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of 'Priority', as shown in the screenshot below and click on one of the options which are explained below:
Priority - This is the default setting and will arrange your list in order of priority with the highest first.
Profile - If you are responsible for more than one profile, choosing this option will sort them alphabetically by profile name.
Title - This option will sort the tasks alphabetically by title.
Due Date - This option will sort the tasks by due date, with the next task due at the top of the list.
Updated Date - This option will sort tasks based on the most recent updates, including any changes to their status, new comments, or added attachments.
Last Completed Date - This option will sort the tasks by tasks which most recently had their status marked as 'Complete'.
8. Export (#L in the above screenshot) - You can export a list of tasks or sub-tasks easily by clicking on the Export button (shown below). This will reveal a drop-down list, so you can click on one of the export options, which are explained below:
Main Tasks (CSV/Excel) option, to download the current list of Tasks to CSV/Excel Spreadsheet which will open on most spreadsheet packages (eg Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office etc); This list doesn't itemise individual sub-tasks.
Sub Tasks (CSV/Excel) option, to download an itemised list of Sub Tasks to CSV/Excel Spreadsheet which will open on most spreadsheet packages (eg Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office etc);
Pie Chart option, to open a Pie chart showing the high-level statistics for your currently filtered list with the option to download it as an image.
Note: The CSV/ Excel Spreadsheet downloads can take time, particularly for a long list. However, you can continue working on other business within the platform while the list downloads in the background.
Custom Filters (Admin accounts only)
Provided that you have administrative rights on your account, and if your diocese has the custom filters option enabled, you will have an additional button called 'Filters' (#1 in the above screenshot).
Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of 'Filters', (#1 in the screenshot above) and this will reveal a list of custom filters. These are filters created specifically to the requirements of the Diocese, and therefore have to be customised by our administrative team.
If you have custom filters available, select the name of the filter to apply it.
Once a filter has been applied, it will turn grey (as per the screenshot below). You can continue to apply other filters in addition to the selected filter.
If you wish to remove the applied custom filter, you can clear all filters by following the steps here.