The Resource Library contains guides, templates and other useful information to help you with a variety of issues from accident reporting to youth activities.
Search (#1) - You can search the Resource Library by typing what you’re looking for in the search bar and clicking the 'Search' button. If any resources are found that match your search, they’ll appear on your screen. Simply click on a resource to view more.
Favourites (#2) - Resources you or your organisation have marked as favourites appear at the top of the Resource Library. Click on the resource you wish to view.
Topics (#3) - Resources are organised by topic which are listed here in alphabetical order. Click on a topic to see what resources are available. They are divided into sections (e.g. Guides; Templates; etc.). Clicking on a section (#4 in the screenshot below) will show you the resources available under that section. Simply click on the resource you wish to view(#5) to open it.
Once you open a resource, you will see a bar at the top, known as the breadcrumb bar (#6 in the screenshot below) which is a link back to the Resource Library.
Favourites (#7) - For information on Favourites, please see our guide Resource Favourites.
Download (#8) - To download a pdf copy of the guide, click on Download. If the guide has any attachments, there will be a dropdown menu. Simply click on the item you wish to download.
Association sidebar(#9) - The Association sidebar consists of four sections:
- Legislation - Links to relevant Government legislation will be found here. Note: Links will take you to websites outside the control of SafetyToolbox Ltd and will be subject to their own terms of service/ privacy policies.
- Other SafetyToolbox guides - Links to additional relevant SafetyToolbox guides.
- External Resources - Links to relevant external resources. Note: Links will take you to websites outside the control of SafetyToolbox Ltd and will be subject to their own terms of service/ privacy policies.
- Attachments - If there are any attachments to the guide, you will see details here. To download anattachment, click on Download (see #8 above).