Video Transcription
We're now going to go ahead and complete the building checklist for our demonstration church. So to do this you'll need to go to your task screen which you can access by clicking the task button at the top of the page. This will open the list of all the tasks across all the buildings you manage, which can be quite a long list.
If you find it easier you can open the tasks of the church or building you are working on. To do this, click profiles…in the navigation bar and then click on the name of the church…This will open up the summary page for that church…
On this screen, you'll find a pie chart, which includes just the tasks for this current building So in our case the church. To the right, you'll find any associated buildings, a section where you can manage your events, And if you have any building projects these would also be listed here too.
You can open any of these profiles simply by clicking on the name. Now to access tasks for this building, click the task tab. Now we're going to return to our main task list. And continue where we left off with completing the building checklist…
Locate the building checklist for the building you wish to take it for, so in our case it's going to be for the church. So I'm going to click on the title building checklist, and this will open up my building checklist task.
So you can see here we've got the title building checklist, and a description that explains what it covers…Now this task is backed by an online questionnaire which means it's really easy to address the task and we can go ahead and click start questionnaire…And in our case, we're going to start from scratch as we've not completed it before.
So I'm gonna go ahead and click the start button. This will open up our online checklist, which is made up of a series of simple yes / no questions where we can identify what's in our building that we need to manage. So what we need to do is go through the questions and answer them to the best of our knowledge…Some of our questions include help text, which you can see here on the right to help give a little bit more background as to what the question is asking for.
As you go through and answer the questions…you'll find that tasks…are added to this task list on the right-hand side…This is building up a list of the items that we will need to manage…
So through the magic of technology, I've completed this checklist and you can see this by the fact that the bar at the top of your screen is now completely green. There's no red at all. And we've now got a finish button, and you'll see that having answered all the questions it's now put together a list of everything that I'm going to need to manage for this building. It's a good idea to have a look through this list…and see if there's anything in there that doesn't seem relevant to the building and then you can just go through and correct your answer Before you submit. And once you're ready click that blue finish button at the top of your screen…
You will then be returned to the building checklist task, which you will now see has been marked as complete. And a copy of your answers have been filed as an attachment…
If we return to that task list by clicking the tasks button at the top of your screen, you'll see that this too has been updated, and our building checklist task is now showing as having been completed today and is next due in three years time and this is determined by the frequency here which you can see is every three years.
You'll also see that several more tasks have been added, so that's those tasks that were showing up as being triggered by this questionnaire based on our answers. So we've got our asbestos tasks and here we've got our electrical installation system condition report fire extinguishers etcetera…
If you find something in your list that you don't think should be there and because you've answered a question in error, all you need to do is to go back into that building checklist task by clicking on its title.
Clicking that start questionnaire button again and this time review your answers, and this will open up that checklist with all the answers you answered last time making it really easy for you to correct where you went wrong…