If you cannot see an 'Admin Area' button on your dashboard, you will not be able to add new users. Please contact the Administrator for your organisation and give them the name and email address for the person for whom you wish to create a new account.
To add additional users to your Organisation Account, you will need to navigate to your Users page (see our article on Managing User Accounts).
Click the green plus button to the left of 'User Accounts' and you will be taken to a blank Users form which we will explain in detail below.
Basic Details
In order to create your user you will need to provide some basic information about them.
1. Name
Enter the user's name - this is how they will be referred to on SafetyToolbox Online
2. Email Address
Provide a valid email address for the user (eg someone@somewhere.co.uk). You must provide unique email addresses for all users of the system with login access (see Access and Permissions below).
3. Contact Number
Optionally provide one telephone number for the user.
Permitted Resources
You can grant a user access to one or more profiles within your Organisation's Account. Users are only able to access and update information for the profiles they are assigned. In addition, assigned profiles are added to the blue navigation bar for easy access.
If you do not wish to grant access to any profiles, leave the table blank.
1. Choose a resource to grant access to
Select the profile from the dropdown menu you wish to grant this user access to. Profiles are grouped by category and listed in alphabetical order.
Note: The list only includes those profiles to which you have access to yourself.
2. Choose a group/role
You can select a user’s role by clicking on the drop down arrow and choosing from the selection in the Role column in the Permissions section of the User Form.
The role list is populated from the Mailing Group list. By selecting a role for your user, you will automatically assign them to a mailing group. If you wish change the available role options, you’ll need to update your mailing groups. This is explained in our guide ‘Working with Mailing Group’s.
3. Can Edit
You can grant either edit, view or manage rights for a particular profile (or collection of profiles). Click on the button and choose which option you need. Note: This setting defaults to Can Edit.
Can View - this option allows the user to view tasks, their attachments (including reports from online questionnaires) and any notes for the profile(s).
Can Edit - in addition to 'View', this option allows the user to create tasks, attach files, write notes, answer questionnaires and update the basic information for the profile(s).
Can Manage - in addition to Edit, this option allows the the user to amend the details of tasks and archive, move or delete them. They can also archive/ restore the profile(s).
4. Remove
If you need to remove any rows from the table, click the red rubbish bin button on the relevant row(s).
Access to a further profile
If the user requires access to more than one profile, click on the green plus button to the left of 'Permitted Resources' and a blank row will be added.
Completing the new user
To complete the set up of the new user, click on 'Submit' at the end of the form. You can cancel the process at any point by clicking the grey Cancel button.
If successful, your user will be sent an automated welcome email to the email address you supplied inviting them to confirm their account. For more details see our article on Confirming Your Account.
If you need to change the details for this user, see our article on Editing a User.