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SafetyToolbox online software helps you manage health and safety tasks efficiently by colour-coding tasks based on their due dates: overdue (red); due (orange); not due (green).
In addition to these statuses based on their due date, you can enable an optional fourth colour: black to make it easier to identify tasks critically impacted by multiple high-priority or very high-priority overdue sub-tasks.
When enabled for a task template, tasks will automatically change colour to black when they have associated open very high, or high-priority subtasks.
How to enable the Unsatisfactory Due Status
1) Locate the task template you wish to enable the Unsatisfactory Due Status. Click edit to open the editing options. See our guide on how to manage task templates.
2) Scroll down and look for the 'Enable Unsatisfactory Due Status' option. Select 'Yes' and click save to apply the changes to the task template.
Using the Feature
After enabling the Unsatisfactory Due Status, any task for this template that meets the criteria will automatically turn black in your task list.
Changes to the Task Status Pie Chart
With the Unsatisfactory Due Status enabled, your pie chart will now show a segment for the black Unsatisfactory Due Status for any tasks which meet the criteria.
Changes to the bar chart of building profiles
With the Unsatisfactory Due Status enabled, the bar chart for any profiles will now include the unsatisfactory segment.
Changes to the Task List Filtering Options
With the Unsatisfactory Due Status enabled, you have the option to filter tasks in your task list to show you only the Unsatisfactory tasks, by following these steps:
1) Select the Status filtering option (#1 in the screenshot below).
2) Tick the Unsatisfactory option (#2 in the screenshot below).
3) Select Apply (#3 in the screenshot below).
4) Your task list will then update to show only the Unsatisfactory Due Status tasks (#4 in the screenshot below).
For full guidance on how to filter tasks, please see our dedicated guide: