A Task Template is used to define the information and settings to be used when creating tasks from templates (i.e. when completing questionnaires). Depending on the packages you have subscribed to, you may find some templates have already been set up for you. You can update task templates at any time, with your changes being applied to all tasks linked to the template (unless syncing has been disabled).
This guide covers the following:
- Navigating to your Task Templates
- Create a New Task Template
- Exporting a list of your Task Templates
Navigating to your Task Templates
- To navigate to your 'Task Templates', go to the Admin Area on your dashboard (#1 in the screenshot below) and select 'Task Templates' on the left-hand side (#2 in the screenshot below).
- The Task Template list appears to the right (#3 in the screenshot above). You can search for a specific Task Template by typing the name of the template in the 'Filter by title' box (#4 on the screenshot above) or, by simply typing a keyword, e.g. fire.
- You can clear your search term by clicking the Clear button (#5 in the screenshot above).
- Each Task Template shows at a glance information and the Topic to which it belongs.
These icons represent:
Recurring Frequency of this Task
Whether the task is unlocked or locked for editing
- Click on the name of the Task Template to open it. To edit an existing Task Template, please see our guide 'Edit a Task Template'.
Filtering Task Templates
You can filter your search terms by selecting filtering options:
Filter by Sub-Tasks: First select Task, then select Sub-Task.
Filter by Priority: First select Priority, then select the options you wish to include and click Apply
Filter by Topic: First select Priority, then select the topics you wish to include and click Apply .
Filter by Active or Inactive Task Templates: The 'Active' button (#9), by default, shows the templates that are Active. If you click the button it will show you templates that have been disabled. This allows you to track them down and restore them.
Exporting a list of your Task Templates
- Select the Export button (#1 in the screenshot below) and select CSV / Excel (#2 in the screenshot below).
Create a New Task Template
You may want to create a Task Template, for example, a survey, that is specific to your organisation. You can create your own Task Template which you can link to your survey (which you will have created in 'Questionnaires').
To create a new Task Template, go to the Admin Area and click on Task Templates. Now click on the green plus button and complete the form using the information in our 'Edit a Task Template'. guide.